What You Should Know When Buying a Diamond Ring

 Diamond information for couples interested in buying a diamond engagement ring. At a point in nearly every man's life, there comes a time when his heart knows it's time to buy a diamond engagement ring for the woman he loves. Only then will you feel comfortable buying a diamond engagement ring. There are many things to consider when learning how to buy a diamond, you should never rush into buying a diamond without first doing a little research as to how the diamonds are priced. Buying a diamond is no different, except most of know us very little about diamonds. Buying a diamond ring is often an emotional - not to mention expensive - experience.

Diamond Ring:

Buying a diamond ring can be a huge investment and you want to get one with the perfect diamond in it, so you may be intimidated if you are a first time buyer. Buying a diamond means investing in a piece for forever. Every individual buying a diamond seeks out the best they can afford. When buying a diamond, consider your budget and where the stone will be worn to help determine the ideal carat size. The Four C's of Buying a Diamond, to determine the best price for your ring, you need to be familiar with the four C's. The four C's of cut, color, clarity, and carat are explained.

Diamond Color

Most diamonds have a slight hint of yellow and the diamond color scale is based on the amount of yellow present in a diamond. It's the absence of color that adds value to the diamond. Diamond color is graded according to the GIA Grading Scale. Grades are based on the amount of yellow that is visible when viewed face down through the pavilion using the GIA Diamond Lite. The color scale ranges from D (colorless) to Z (yellow tinge).

Diamond Cut

To achieve the maximum reflection of light that causes a diamond to sparkle requires a diamond to have an Ideal/Excellent cut grade. Ideal cut diamonds are graded as such because they fall within the ideal cut grade parameters specified by the diamond grading labs. The better cut grades are likely to display more fire and brilliance and since their appearance is more desirable, they are priced accordingly. The GIA and EGL have only extended ideal/excellent cut grade parameters to round brilliant stones at this time. Determining a diamond's cut grade, however, goes beyond simple measurements of width and depth. Diamond Cut is perhaps the most important of the four C's.

Diamond Clarity

A diamond's clarity is determined by the number, nature, position, size and color of internal characteristics called "inclusions" and surface features called "blemishes". These show themselves as the various characteristics which make up the clarity of a diamond, included crystals, feathers, clouds etc. These characteristics are sometimes not visible to the naked eye and they are what make each diamond unique. This clarity grade becomes more important as the diamond size increases. The clarity scale was developed by the Gemological Institute of America GIA to quantify these imperfections.

Diamond Carat

It is a common misconception that carats refer to the size of a diamond. In reality, a carat is the standard unit of weight by which diamonds are measured. Since a carat is a measure of weight, not size, one diamond of the same carat weight may look bigger than another depending on the cut. A premium cut diamond may actually appear bigger than many diamonds of a higher carat weight.

Diamond Shape

Stones come in different shapes - round, oval, marquise, pear, emerald, heart, princess, and radiant.
