Steps in Cleaning Diamond Engagement Rings

 People usually commit a common mistake while cleaning the diamond engagement ring. They think that usual cleaning products are enough to clean an engagement ring. You would be using hand lotions and hair care products daily and all such everyday stains would leave a film on the diamond engagement ring and make it look dull. And if you don't clean the ring in proper time, the filth would clog into a thick layer and remain on the back of your diamond, blocking the light from passing through it. Thus the diamond would look dull and lifeless.

Diamonds are known to be the hardest substance known to mankind. But it is important to take good care of it to maintain its glow. Remember not to use any old cleanser to clean the diamond in the engagement ring. If you are using harsh chemicals and vigorous scrubbing, the coatings and other materials used in the diamonds to enhance its glow would be spoiled. Hence the sparkle would be gone forever. So it is necessary to take care while cleaning the diamond engagement ring.

Steps in cleaning the diamond ring

1. Soak the diamond ring in a warm solution of mild liquid detergent dissolved in water. Make sure that you are using only mild detergent for the purpose.

2. Take a brush with very soft bristles. Use the brush to remove dirt from the ring. Never use a brush with bristles that are stiff which would scratch the ring's metal setting. So remember to use a soft brush and rub softly.

3. Swish the ring in the detergent solution nicely. Later wash it thoroughly in warm water. Remember to close the drain before rinsing since there are chances that the ring would flow off the drain. Else you can put the ring in a strainer and do rinsing.

4. Take a lint free cloth and dry the diamond engagement ring.

Sometimes the grime would be settled in the diamond and setting very firmly. In that case you can use a tooth pick to carefully push the dirt away from the stone as well as from the settings. For diamonds that are not fracture filled, a solution of ammonia dissolved in water can be used. But for fracture filled diamonds, it is better advised to use gentler liquid detergent solution since ammonia has the tendency to either cloud or remove the coating over the gemstone gradually. There is also one more thing to take care of. When you are cleaning a piece of jewelry, the method used should necessarily protect the weakest element in the jewelry. If the ring contains other gemstones as well, that should also be considered. Use a cleaning solution and method that would suit other less durable gemstones too. You already know about the harsh effects that harmful chemicals can cause to your hands if you come into contact with them. It is the same with the diamond engagement ring too. Chemicals like chlorine can have harmful effect on the jewelry. While you are dealing with chlorine contained substances, make sure to remove your rings or wear gloves to protect both hands and ring.
